Although Gdpr does not appear in the form for messages sent to a friend by the connected user, it requests that the terms and privacy policy be accepted so that no message is sent. Any solution?
Although Gdpr does not appear in the form for messages sent to a friend by the connected user, it requests that the terms and privacy policy be accepted so that no message is sent. Any solution?
I have seen a similar problem with Osclasswizards theme 2.0.6 and i have reverted back to 2.0.4 that works ok. 2.0.5 also doesn't work.
I changed these lines (oc-content/plugins/gdpr_osclass/class/OsclassGdpr.php):
if(osc_is_current_page('item', 'send_friend_post')) { return true; }
if(osc_is_current_page('item', 'contact_post')) { return true; }
with them: if(osc_is_current_page('item', 'send_friend_post')&& !osc_is_web_user_logged_in()) { return true; }
if(osc_is_current_page('item', 'contact_post')&& !osc_is_web_user_logged_in()) { return true; }
and everything is fine now!