I try to create a Classified Ads site and then moved from WordPress to Osclass ...
I have installed Osclass 3.9 on Localhost for test ... on XAMPP PHP7.3
I have noticed a lot of Bugs after activating few free plugins ...
For instance, Pre-Resize Images Plugin ( removed link "> removed link ) doesn't work anymore because the 'Click or Drop for Upload Images' menu/button simply disappear when this plugin is activated (Bender and few other premium themes) but works with one premium theme ... it's amazing, it doesn't work with Bender but work with one premium theme !!! but only one ...
For information, I have activated each plugin one by one to avoid any code issue ... Moreover, XAMPP doesn't offer ImageMagick library by default ... but the ImageMagick library might replace the Pre-Resize Images Plugin, I really don't know about it ... I just try to optimise Osclass according to this Tutorial but it doesn't work so far :
removed link "> removed link
XAMPP PHP7.3 might be too recent for Osclass 3.9 too ... I have tried OsclassEvo 4 but I've found issue during installation ... I might try with other XAMPP version like 7.1 or 7.2 ...
Anyway, thank you in advance for all information regarding Osclass version, PHP version, and others ...
Hello and welcome.
Osclass 3.9 from https://github.com/mindstellar/Osclass (mirrored also here) works great with PHP 7.3.x as stock. When used under Linux. I have no idea about anything else, XAMPP included.
I wouldn't suggest anything "Osclass EVO" related to be installed or used.
Now many plugins and themes do not work properly with 3.9, Pre-resize included. To be honest i never understood why this plugin was needed.
If your site is new, i would say to disable any plugins, use just a theme you want, ENABLE debug to a LOG and test to see if all is well (not error in log).
Then start to add your plugins to see what works and what not. Fixes for some plugins (and themes) have been posted here (and elsewere).
Do not add all the plugins you can find, it is a wrong approach. Because they may work but ALL of them are now totally Unsupported, since Osclass . org is shut down forever.
Le us know if we can help in any specific issue.
(btw: your 2 links were removed by the spam plugin and i was not able to recover them)