Next December PHP 8 will be released. Any ideas about Osclass 3.9 and PHP 8?
PHP 8 has so many changes that i find it impossilble to be compatible with Osclass 3.9 or 4 or whatever. Plugins and themes included.
Is any testing been done with those two?
No tests have been done from what i know. But as i posted above, it is highly impossible to be compatible.
Do not spend time with PHP 8 for now, it hasn't been released yet.
Next December PHP 8 will be released. Any ideas about Osclass 3.9 and PHP 8?
Well, Osclass 3.9 works right up to PHP 7.3.x, not even PHP 7.4.x.
It is funny to ask about PHP 8 and Osclass. As mentioned above 3.9 doesn't even work right with PHP 7.4, while in 3.9 release notes it says that PHP 7.4 is supported. But it is not.
Very poor testing. Same for Osclass 5 beta.
Funny or not funny, i see several plugins from a Wordpress site i run, to fully prepare for PHP 8 and fixing incompatibilities.
I see nothing of the kind for Osclass.