While Wordpress is not a classifieds script, there are some plugins and themes that try to mimic a classified ads site. Some free, some paid.
There are 2 free (and somehow popular) plugins for classifieds:
WPAdverts – Classifieds Plugin
And also some more:
Advanced Classifieds & Directory Pro
Directorist – Business Directory Plugin
There is also a well-know theme names ClassiPress but it is not free.
I will try to make a quick installation and review to each of the 4 free plugins during the next weeks.
If anyone knows some other free plugin for Wordpress, feel free to write about it. Also if anyone already uses ClassiPress, i would be interested to read about it.
Update: Sorry that i didn't had the time to finish this. But i will.
Update: Sorry that i didn't had the time to finish this. But i will.
No problem. I tested a few myself and i must say i'm disappointed. Cripleware, visually ugly, a mess ....
I would like to try Classipress but it is a paid theme (is it a theme or a plugin ?).
I think Classibase is NOT a Wordpress plugin.
I think Classibase is NOT a Wordpress plugin.
We did not post "Classibase" but "Classipress". We DO know that Classibase is a standalone paid script. Classipress is a theme for Wordpress, also paid.