Osclass 8.1.0 Major...
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[Closed] Osclass 8.1.0 Major Release - 2023 Classifieds Update

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Posts: 553
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  • MPORTANT: Minimum PHP version to run Osclass has changed from 5.6 to 7.2 (based on library dependencies).
  • IMPORTANT: Osclass now fully supports PHP 8.1 version.
  • IMPORTANT: Osclass now fully supports PHP 8.2 version.
  • IMPORTANT: Osclass now supports Memcached & Redis (beta) as caching option (besides Memcache, APC and APCU).
    Fixed cache statistics and reporting stats when constant OSC_CACHE_DEBUG is set to true & admin is logged-in, in same way as database queries.
    Added numerous queries to cache features in order to reduce load time of queries.
    Fixed bugs with using wrong key to set & retrieve cache.
  • IMPORTANT: Multisites feature removed from Osclass. It was not functional, incorrectly designed and present just confusion what this feature should do.
  • New feature: Subdomain improvements and new functionality.
    New subdomain type: Language based subdomains.
    Subdomain landing page - it is now possible to turn "top-domain" into landing page for subdomains.
    Subdomain automatic redirect - it is now possible to automatically redirect visitors to country based subdomains, using their IP info and geoplugin.com service.
    Subdomain restrictions - it is now possible to restrict country based subdomain to be accessible just from same country (i.e. Poland subdomain from Poland).
    Added function osc_get_subdomains() that generates array with detail information about subdomains.
    Added function osc_subdomain_links() that generates list of links those leads to subdomain pages.
    Added function osc_subdomain_select() that generates select box to choose subdomain. When subdomain selected, user is automatically redirected to this subdomain page.
    Added more supporting functions like osc_is_subdomain(), osc_subdomain_id(), osc_subdomain_top_url() and much more.
    Updates and improvements of Subdomain features, item URLs fixed not to contain duplicated information.
    Completed documentation page for subdomain functions and subdomain setup (docs.osclasspoint.com).
  • New feature: It is now possible to add language code into URL. This feature is still in "beta" and require proper testing.
    Admin can define to use short format (xx: en/de/fr/ar/...) or long format (xx-yy: en-us/de-de/ar-sy/...).
    Only works when friendly URLs are enabled.
  • New feature: Built-in translations management system with following features:
    Translate PO (MO) files directly from backoffice.
    Create new PO (MO) files.
    Update or create PO (MO) files from source code.
    Copy (merge) translations between different translation catalogs.
    Open PO file in browser, search for translations on market.
    Download translations catalog as ZIP archive.
    Send (share) translations catalog with Osclass team & community. Only complete translations can be shared.
    Remove translations catalog.
    Translations catalog statistics, comments, code references, flags (fuzzy/need work) and completeness.
  • New feature: Comment reply has been implemented.
    Admin can enable comment replies for everyone, logged-in users, listing owners or only admins.
    Rating can be disabled on comment replies.
    In backoffice, comments section has been sligtly redesigned, into table has been added comment title, listing link has been separated from user, added columns "Is reply to comment" and "Has replies".
    In backoffice, admin can filter listing comments based on their parent comment, new actions has also been added to quick action menu.
    Comment reply is brand-new feature, theme modifications are required in order to make it work (check blog/docs for implementation).
  • New feature: It is possible now to limit number of ratings that can one user make on one listing.
    If limit is reached, user cannot rate listing anymore. You can set limit to 1, but also to higher number, i.e. 3 ratings per each item & user.
  • New feature: Static page visibility options.
    Admin can now define to whom is each static page visible. There are several options:
    Visible to anyone, only to logged in users, only to personal users, only to company users, only to admins or page is not visible to anyone.
  • New feature: Admin menu elements has been shuffled based on frequency of usage by administrator, but also by similar "topic".
    New menu element has been created with name "International", grouping functionalities related to localization & international setup (languages, locations, translations, currencies).
    New menu element has been created with name "Admins", grouping functionality related to administrators (list, your profile).
    Comments settings has been removed from Settings menu.
    Languages & currencies has been moved from "Settings" menu to "International" menu, having their own classes and spaces.
  • New feature: Latest search ban words has been added. It is possible to define banned words or white listed words.
    Admin can now easily purge all latest searches as well.
  • New feature: Added country flag images into oc-includes/images/flag/country/h48/.
    All images has same height 48px, there is also "default.png" as a placeholder flag.
  • New feature: Admin can now disable "Mark listing as" feature completely in (Listings > Settings).
  • Update: Item URL now support much more keywords.
  • Update: All JavaScript (jQuery) assets has been updated to latest available versions.
  • Update: Sigma theme does not show ratings anymore, until comment contains rating (is not null or 0). If user has not selected rating in comment, this comment will not have zero rating shown (5 gray stars).
  • Function osc_total_users has been redesigned, now supports 2 optional parameters $type (active, enabled, online, custom) and $condition, that is used just in case $type is custom.
  • Admin menu layout and features has been improved and menus at bottom are opened "from bottom" instead of "from top".
  • IMPORTANT: Fixed long-term issue with login time and that even after pressing "remember me", login least just several hours or days. Now login can persist up to 3 years.
  • User statistics (i_items, i_comments) will now be refreshed on daily base.
  • Pages table has been redesigned and much more information is now available in table.
  • Email templates table has been redesigned and create date is now available in table.
  • Width of static page form has been reduced to max 840px in order to provide more realistic preview.
  • When static page is modified or created, admin is redirected back to this page instead to pages list.
  • Child themes now support custom functions file: functions_child.php
    This file extends functions.php (not rewrite) and allows to define customized functions for child theme.
  • Updated design in Tools > Debug/Error log section.
  • Flash messages in backoffice has been slightly redesigned in order to provide easier way to identify type of message (error/warning/success/info).
  • New "tip" has been added to categories section when selecting of parent categories is disabled.
  • New "tip" has been added to languages section informing admin about default language.
  • New "tip" has been added to add plugin section informing admin about possibility to quickly upload more plugins directly into oc-content/plugins folder.
  • When site is in maintenance mode, this information is visible in backoffice dashboard now.
  • In backoffice, when comment is successfully edited, redirect URL has changed and admin is redirected back to comment edit page.
  • Cookies core has been redesigned, old issues with storing cookies fixed.
  • Added new filters item_post_data, item_edit_data to control item data right before they are inserted into database.
  • Added new filters user_insert_data, user_edit_data, user_update_description to control user data right before they are inserted into database.
  • Created new function osc_logged_user() to instantly return logged user record without need to query database.
  • Fixed problem with populating of regions and cities on dynamically generated boxes.
  • When updating Osclass, database integrity check (comparing to struct.sql) is disabled by default as it is not needed at all. Behaviour can be controlled via UPGRADE_SKIP_DB constant - set to false to enable integrity check.
  • More improvements with upgrade process and auto upgrade.
  • In backoffice, currency description has been renamed to currency symbol.
  • Added support to change price input box to "number" instead of "text" as 2nd parameter of function ItemForm::price_input_text().
  • Formatting now removes Vietnamese accent (when constructing URL or sanitizing string).
  • Support for constant OSC_FORCE_DISABLE_URL_ENCODING. When defined to true, Osclass URLs will not be encoded even contains non-latin characters.
  • Fixed usage of COOKIE_DOMAIN constant, if defined.
    Update: always define COOKIE_DOMAIN without leading dot (.).
  • Fixed bug with THEME_CATEGORY_TABLE feature (Epsilon theme).
  • Fixed rich edit (tinymce) selector in backoffice - items, to select only description textareas.
  • Fixed filtering comments by item ID.
  • Fixed incorrect listing price (multiplied by 1000000) in structured data.
  • Fixed SSL error when Osclass tries to get SSL certificate for IP address (PHP Warning: fsockopen(): Unable to connect to ssl).
  • Fixed osc_premium_url() function and now is identical to osc_item_url().
  • Fixed multiple white spaces in some meta tags (title/description/keywords).
  • Fixed admin side menu scrolling.
  • Cleanup: Removed languages folder from omega theme (as core already contains it), removed "less" folder as it was not used.
Posted : February 1, 2023 17:41