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Osclass 8.1.2 release
- Backoffice translation "Share" function will only send translation to Osclass team if it contains all required files. It will also not include irrelevant files to this translation
- Osclass will now throw warning message on translation page, if "max_input_vars" variable is high enough to complete full translation
- Translation share button was re-positioned and renamed
- When core translation is saved, related index.php file of this translation is updated with correct Osclass version and new fields added into array
- When using language code in URL, changing language will now not redirect user to home page, but will remain on same page in selected locale
- Premium listings (osc_get_premiums) are now cached for specific user/session separatelly
- Added folders permission check when saving or updating translations from source code
- Updated conversion of Greek alphabet to Latin in URLs
- Updated conversion of Turkish alphabet to Latin in URLs
- Improvements in auto-upgrade process to avoid extra clicks after upgrade has finished
- Required custom fields now contains star (*) in label name on publish page
- Added descriptive details on publish page related to custom field ID, type etc
- Log file in Tools > Debug/Error log section can now be removed (remove button added)
- Theme functions has been added into CRON and can be executed by CRON as well (they were not included until now)
- jQuery UI library used in backoffice reverted to 1.12 because of compatibility issues. Front-end still use latest 1.13 version of jQuery UI
- Updated sigma_default_direction function to first check RTL setup on language field
- Added hooks user_pre_login_form & user_pre_register_form into Sigma theme
- Added PHPMAILER_DEBUG_LEVEL contstant (value 1 - 4) that allows to debug PHP mailer
- Excluded pages for CSS & JS optimization now consider page Location & Section (ie: item-item_add, item, home, register-register, login-recover, user-profile, ...). Default exclusion list will now continue item-item_add, item-item_edit. If you want to minify/optimize on these pages as well, update these settings after Osclass update
- Improved error reporting when image could not be loaded on publish page
- Added latitude & longitude fields into backoffice - edit listing form. Created also standardized inputs for latitude and longitude
- Added "Refresh images" option besides "Regenerate images", that will do the same except images building (will skip images generation and just call hooks)
- Added {LOCALE_CODE} and {LOCALE_SHORT_CODE} as variable to all email templates
- Added new setting: Always Generate Canonical URL tag. It is generated on every page (not just search)
- Added new setting: Generate hreflang tags and add them to header to define alternative site locales
- Upgrade code for Osclass 2.x was removed. It's not possible to upgrade from older Osclass version than 3.0
- Fixed major bug when using language code in URL, plugin routes were corrupted
- Fixed recaptcha verifcation on login page. Now recaptcha is verified against google services on background
- Fixed PHP deprecated notices (PHP 8+)
- Fixed and improved minor design issues on Sigma theme
- Fixes and improvements in hUser helper functions
- Fixed missing resource_thumbnail_url filter across multiple files in Osclass core and backoffice
Posted : April 25, 2023 22:25
Editor reacted
I must admit that Osclasspoint is very consistent in updates and releases.
Also they seem to fix reported bugs and also implement some suggestions.
Posted : April 25, 2023 22:42