Hi guys, i would like to take advantage of your kindness here and ask the following:
If i select Autocomplete for locations, users write whatever they want, since no check is done (if the location/state/city exist). So i do not want that.
I want the State (Regions) to be Dropdown but the cities to be autocomplete or empty and not required.
So far, i have found no solution and the code is complicated for me to change.
Any help is much appreciated.
Reasonable question. But as i have posted before, we are not developers here so we can't help.
I wish we could.
The thing with what you ask, is that Dropdown or Autocomplete is general for Locations all-together.
I don't think there is an easy way to separate that for a non-developer.
The thing with what you ask, is that Dropdown or Autocomplete is general for Locations all-together.
I don't think there is an easy way to separate that for a non-developer.
The thing is the whole country/region/location/city is poorly designed, mainly for LOCAL classifieds.
If a poster want to TARGET an area/region/country, the logic is very bad.
For example you can select a Country like US for example and the rest of fields (region/state/city) you can write whatever you want. Like US, Paris as City and then as area India. No checks, nothing.
Poor design, very poor. Not to mention the Multi-Country design. A mess, a total mess.
I tried to post a solution to your issue, but this wonderful forum doesn't let me. Returns an error (probably the text is too rich and long)...
So I've made a screenshot with my reply.
Hope it helps.
@tango Thank you.
But i'm do not want to completely disable cities. Just be able to control autocomplete or dropdown.
Cities are important to me.
I want the State (Regions) to be Dropdown but the cities to be autocomplete or empty and not required.
First of all, it's not required to enter any location information. You can post a listing without setting a location.
Secondly, what's the purpose of having cities "autocomplete or empty" ?
I don't understand your question.
So you want the Region to be dropdown, but the city just an empty field where the user can write anything or nothing at all?
Why not keep the city as a dropdown also?
Is it a problem with the city not being available in database - dropdown list?