Sorry for my english.
Today nothing seems to work, my site administration is very slow and the whole sites of do no work.
This forum came when searched with Google. Any idea what is happening ?
Thank you
Hi there and welcome.
During the weekand and monday was crashed and didn't work. After moday it worked for a while and today everything has disappeared. Their whole server must be down because DNS is also not working. So their forums is also down.
What version of Osclass are you running ? Any modifications to the script ?
I use the latest version 3.8 and osclasswizards theme. And 4 plugins.
Ok. First BACKUP everything, website folder and Database.
I hope you are familiar with ftp. If so, open this archive in your desktop. Then ftp in your website root (where 3 "oc-something" folders exist) and upload those TWO folders of the archive into your site. You will get a question to overwrite some files and answer Yes.
Do not upload the folder as it is, just the two inside folders (oc-includes and oc-admin).
And you are all set. Let me know if it worked for you.
Where is the file ?
Here are the files:
Done ! How can i check if everything is ok and be sure ?