I run Osclass 3.9 and every 2-3 days i get a warning from the hosting plan, that my site has been "limited".
That means that i have exceeded some hosting limits, cpu and db from what i see in Cpanel.
Any ideas what to do next?
Apparently you have been limited by Cloud Linux on that server.
If it happens once in a while, there is nothing to worry about. But every 2-3 days is kind of a problem.
There is an option in Cpanel Resource Usage, called Snapshot. That way you can find in what part of your site, the problems happen and report here.
Also you can check the RAW logs at Cpanel for any "attacks" or repeated visits from the same IP.
Checking the Snapshots, it seems that some queries/urls containing "search" are doing this. Not 100% sure.
Also logs were not enabled for some reason, so now they are and i will check them next time the issue happens.
thank you!
What version of php are you using?
Also (a long shot, still ....) there maybe some db errors in your Osclass. Enable debug to a LOG and after 1-2 days check them for fatal or db errors.
If debug is enabled, please add this to your .htaccess file:
<Files ~ "\.log$">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from All
Thanks guys, i will update here after this weekend.
What version of php are you using?
PHP 7.3.x