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Osclass Market

4 Posts
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Posts: 29
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Anyone familiar with this osclass market website? 

Been trying to register but not receiving activation email and when trying to leave a message using the contact form it just spins its wheels and never does anything.

I see that someone posted back in June of 2022 so thinking it must be active still?

Osclass Market

Posted : September 28, 2022 21:49
Posts: 553
Honorable Member Admin

This is the Osclass EVO release. Their Market.

Osclass EVO apparently has been discontinued from what i see and know.

It belongs to some Russian (or something). Nobody knows for sure since they do not post any related information.


Posted : September 28, 2022 22:00
Posts: 29
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Okay thanks for your reply. 

I found this osclass market which seems legit. 

I've talked with the developer and he seems like he isn't going anywhere soon.  Tells me he's been around since the beginning of osclass.

Just purchased a couple of his plugins and will let everyone know how they work with 3.8.1.

Posted : September 28, 2022 23:37
Posts: 58
Trusted Member
Posted by: @nootkan

Okay thanks for your reply. 

I found this osclass market which seems legit. 

I've talked with the developer and he seems like he isn't going anywhere soon.  Tells me he's been around since the beginning of osclass.

Just purchased a couple of his plugins and will let everyone know how they work with 3.8.1.

Looool. Now, why would you do that? 🤣 

If you look closely, most of the plugins sold on that "Marketplace" are actually stolen-modified OsclassPoint plugins...

The actual "Marketplace" even uses OsclassPoint Veronika (renamed of course) theme. 🤪 

Sorry to say @nootkan, but judging from your posts it's like you're trying hard to shoot yourself in the foot.

As a honest advice, if you really want to build a classified website, then try sticking to the well established solutions, and run like hell from other shady providers.


= Osclass Enterprise =

Posted : September 30, 2022 10:52
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