Attacks That Imunify360 Didn’t Stop (Ninja Firewall Did)
(I had to convert the quotes to images because for some reason WordPress Gutenberg and/or Imunify360 was causing Json errors)
I will continue to post more recent attacks using the commenting system below.
Yesterday and today we were under CONSTANT SQL attacks for hours and hours. We had to ban the IP from (what else …) Russia.
Imunify360 did nothing about it. We also reached the sql database connections limit and the whole site crashed several times.
I think Imunify360 is actually a useless piece of software. Totally.
Here is small sample of the attack log, i can’t post it in the comment due to size.
06/May/20 11:48:58 #2266490 INFO – GET /index.php – Sanitising user input –
[HTTP_REFERER: 45ea207d7a2b68c49582d2d22adf953aads|a:2:{s:3:”num”;s:289:”*/SELECT 1,0x2d312720554e494f4e2f2a,2,4,5,6,7,8,0x7b24617364275d3b617373657274286261736536345f6465636f646528275a6d6c735a56397764…]
All those “attacks” are harmless IMHO. Not sure if they should be blocked my Imunify360 or not.
I’m not a security expert but i think some of those attacks should have been blocked, especially the SQL Injection attacks.
And maybe some are blocked but some also are not.